3D Browser Engine

3D browser engine that uses pure JavaScript, WebGL library and GLSL shader to render complex scenes. Uses efficient raytracing algorithms and has multiple materials including glass, metal and matte objects or even 3D fractals.

UMass Maps

Advanced open-source maps application made with Kotlin in Android studio using SOLID and TDD principles and MVVM pattern. Made to easily navigate around the university and enable more effective interactions among students. Uses such technologies as Room DB, Retrofit HTTP Client, External APIs, Firebase Firestore and Ktor asynchronous server.


SkinSafe is a project that allows you to monitor your skin health and not stress about any manifestations on the skin. A built-in neural network will detect one of the 6 most frequent illnesses and give you statistics. You may also track them using a convenient tracking system.

Selfie Segmentation Library

This is an open-source selfie segmentation Android library with Bazel based on Google Mediapipe library using C++. The library includes a lot of prebuilt features like image and video background or static and dynamic solid color.

Vaccinations Tracking App

A desktop application to help the school secretary monitor re-vaccination and check-up dates and automatically notify staff via email using Java.

Magician AI

Magician-AI is a machine learning model that guesses a user’s card by highlighting deviations in his emotions and tone of speech. It uses Convolutional Concatenating Classification Neural Network to analyze speech and video input made with Python, Tensorflow, and Jupyter Notebook. This project also includes a desktop app to gather training data from the user's microphone and webcam.

Numble Game

Numble is a mobile game on Java where user should guess randomly generated equation. It uses unique equation generator algorithm involving even non-trivial mathematical operations and was published in Google Play Store.


Demo app, which uses AR Core, Camera X and Room Database libraries to provide basic AR experience.